
Justice in Greensboro: Curfew Dropped

In News on August 4, 2009 at 11:53 pm

Monday night, five people spoke at the Greensboro City Council meeting in support of Jorge Cornell and criticizing the way the police and magistrate handled themselves Saturday night.  If you missed it but want to see the footage, visit and scroll down to August 3 and select ‘video.’  Then, using the drop down menu, select #6 (speakers from the floor).  The first three speakers -Eric Ginsburg, Marnie Thompson, and Lewis Rosa- are in order and the other two -Michael Roberto and Signe Waller-Foxworth- are a little later. 

In addition, roughly thirty people turned out in support of Jorge Cornell and to condemn the unfair treatment by the police and a ridiculous 6 PM curfew.

Following the public statements at the City Council meeting and widespread outreach over the last few days, Jorge’s lawyer was able to have the curfew dropped!  This is an example of our ability to come together and make positive change, and it reveals how truly unnecessary and unjust this curfew was.  Thanks to everyone for your outpouring of support.  The campaign will continue, and together we will win!

Jorge with a supporter yesterday

Jorge with a supporter yesterday

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